The broad dimensions of the model give insight into the strengths and weakness of individuals. These “strengths” and “weaknesses” are more appropriately referred to as “highly developed,” “developed” and “under developed.”
- Well developed is considered above average ability.
- Developed is seen as average for a particular group.
- Under Developed is viewed as below average abilities.
Individual’s intellectual abilities can be understood in terms of the board dimensions and also the individual composite abilities. The broad, general dimensions relate to the general intellectual development of people. However, these general abilities should never see as “fixed” because they are not, but rather understood as being underdeveloped. Each of them can be developed with the right type of programing for enhancing them. Years of experience in working with this model have more than demonstrated to us that intellectual abilities can be greatly improved over time.
Interpretation of the Products Abilities
Products can be defined as the different levels of complexity into which information can be organized or worked with. There are six different kinds of Products
Units is the ability to deal with one thing at a time, i.e. a picture, a number, a word, etc. It not only involves single, whole objects but also includes the ability to see and work with the details of various material.
Well Developed:
High Units ability indicates that a student works well with objects, pictures, symbols or words one at a time. They may be very good at seeing and working with details.
Under Developed:
Students who are weak in Units may show a lack of attention to details. They either don’t work well with one thing at a time or do not care to. They will miss errors in their work i.e. misspelled words, arithmetic errors, punctuation, etc.
Classes is the ability to group things according to common properties and organize information into appropriate categories.
Well Developed:
Students with high Classes ability are usually wellorganized and have little difficulty grouping and organizing objects, symbols, words and ideas.
Under Developed:
Weakness in Classes indicates poor understanding of how things are grouped together by characteristics. It would suggest poor organization abilities and an underlying general confusion where classes of objects, symbols and words are involved
Relations ability involves knowing how various items, symbols or words are related to each other, how they are associated or seeing the connection between them.
Well Developed:
Students who are strong in Relations have well developed associative thinking abilities. They understand of how things are associated; how they go together; or how they are related. They can see the relationship between things from many different perspectives, i.e. time, order, function, etc. This ability is the beginning of critical and higher thinking skills.
Under Developed:
Students who are weak in relations have difficulty with associative type thinking and being able to see how things are related to one another through various context as function, time, visual details, order, etc.
They will have difficulty with verbal analogies and ratios in arithmetic.
Systems abilities involves ordered or sequenced information or material. It contains interrelated or interacting parts within the material. Systems involves underlying or implied rules which governs the sequencing or ordering of material or information.
Well Developed:
Students who are strong in Systems are able to understand sequenced and extended information. They can perceive and apply the rules that govern sequenced materials objects, symbols, words, ideas or concepts.
Under Developed:
Students who are weak in relations have difficulty with associative type thinking and being able to see how things are related to one another through various context as function, time, visual details, order, etc.They will have difficulty with verbal analogies and ratios in arithmetic.
Transformations involves modified material from one form to another form, such as an object changing positions or rewriting a sentence and retaining the original meaning. This product is an important part of creativity in all of the operations. It is essential for various types of design work, math and science, and translation of languages.
Well Developed:
Strong Transformations ability shows the ability to see perspectives. Student who are strong in this ability have good spatial perception and orientation or work with high level verbal transformations. Students strong in this ability may show high creative abilities in art or creative writing.
Under Developed:
Weakness in Transformation indicates difficulty understanding things when they change position or perspective. They will have difficulty verbal information that reworded but maintains its same meaning.
Implication involves projecting outcomes of sequences of information or action, cause and effect, logic and consequences. It implies the ability to learn from experiences. It is clearly related to Piaget’s stage of formal operations – the ability to reverse a process.
Well Developed:
Strong Implications ability shows a student with good logic, an understanding of cause and effect and consequences of actions. They learn through experience and from a hands on approach.
Under Developed:
Weakness in Implications may show poor logic, lack of understanding of cause-effect and consequences. Students do not learn from experience or past mistakes and tend to repeat the same errors or mistakes. They may also be very impulsive and have difficulty controlling it.